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A gallery that explores my relationship with wolves. Images from The Bristol Wildplace and Wolf Conservation that I have taken for the charities and from my personal collection of photographs.

European Grey Wolf
Pack member from the grey wolves of Bristol Wildplace.

Grey wolf through the woods
European Grey Wolf from Bristol Wildplace. A pack of five male wolves.

Quiet stare of The Wolf
Bristol Wildplace wolf pack.

European Grey Wolf
Pack member from the grey wolves of Bristol Wildplace.
Wolf Packs
My fascination with wolves goes back to my young years and falling for wolves. Wolves, villianised for centuries, hunted and killed to extinction in many parts of the world, including my own. Yet the same animals that represent nature perfectly, never overbreeding or over hunting. The same animals that in fact keep a balance within their world. Beautiful, strong, loyal to their pack, I have seen affectionate and playful within their families. It has been an honour spending time with the wolf packs and sharing my images.
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