Pen and Suzy
Blythe dolls were made by a company called Kenner in 1972, for one year due to poor sales. Then in 2001 she was reborn and reissued in Japan by a company called CWC. Different dolls are released to this day monthly, in the orginial 12" Neo size, a Middie size and Petite. It was one of the orginal reissues that caught my eye, Neo Blythe All Gold In One, aka Goldie. The name I gave her on opening her box was Penelope Tiberius Penfold. Pen for short. She now goes by the aliases of 'The Golden Queen', 'World Dominator', 'Hard-One' and sometimes 'Queen of the Disco'. Mood depending. Her obsession and and drive to collect gold is one of her more pleasant atributes. The more worrying being her boy obsession and drive for world domination and power. Yes she changed my life. For the better is debatable. Especially as she sees me, a Soft-One as her servant and sadly long suffering aquaintance. That said my love for Blythe has lead me to publishing a collaborative book based on the art of Blythe, mini millinery for Blythe, doll photography and making friends all over the world thanks to Blythe. All of which I simply love.

Pen and Suzy

This is the first picture I took of my boxed Takara Neo Blythe All Gold In One. The doll, the toy even, that I felt akin to and whose personality to me just came through. Sparking many amusing moments, including taking her all the way up Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, Canada, amongst many other adventures.
My friend Dan at college years before I bought Pen, told me I should buy a Blythe doll, that they were very me. I always had taken photographs of toys within pictures and storytelling. My first being A Day in the Life of a Rubber Chicken. Blythe and Pen moved this forward and so Pen and I's conversations began.
And the Blythe doll fashion store : Hello from Pen and I! We make Toppers, Hairclippies, Slouchy Dresses, Socks and Legwarmers here for Blythe dolls! Each piece is created with love and fun and is One of A Kind, carefully sewn by me. I source wee special things making each item unique.

Future Project : Pen and Suzy Book
After compiling many photographs and stories entwining Pen and myself, I have begun a book to share our 'friendship' and adventures with people. Obviously the book will come with a warning as Pen, lets just say, is not a toy, sorry hard one, for children. In fact not for most adults either.