"Death intrigued for the first time by the living, stands on the bank of the river, bending down picking up the black mask from the water. The water runs off his hand and he watches as the drops fall back into the river from different paths of his flesh, they glimmer in the disappearing last sun. His presence quickly darkening all around him. Frustrated and missing her he walks back to where he knew she was."
Ever been in love with idea of someone? Someone you couldn't have? A fantasy? This story is about a woman that unknowingly falls for death. Death begins to follow her. But does that mean sacrificing life?
“I love you.” I tell him. “I've always been in love with you.”
“I know.” He returns. “It's why I have always been here in the shadow.”
This dark romance explores the possibility of love outside of reality.

Ever wanted to steal something you covet?
Become so enraged the world glows red?
Anger burns into desire?
This short is for the woman that pushes a boundary and blurs a line. An encounter that ignites something new yet consuming.
The question the reader will be left with pondering is regret. Or maybe apprehension of your mistake.
Part One of the Kai Chapters will leave you wanting the next.

Big Eyed Love
A magical photographic journey detailing a big-eyed art doll collaboration of 40 artists working in 7 teams from around the world, collaborating on 7 gorgeous art dolls in a labor of love. Book edited by Jean Yates, Fanny Zara and Cindy Sowers with the generous contributions of 40 artist contributors worldwide.

Karin Man-Ray

"I squeezed my eyes shut. This would need to be dealt with like bad cards and a poor bluff. I push the bathroom door open and take the wrong turn. The path leads to him. Kai stops dead, head on the side, a sly smile spreads across his beautiful face." -Kai Part 2
Part Two to be released soon.

I began writing at college, firstly poetry. During University I finished a poetry book during creative writing, influenced heavily by Philiosophy studies. Then began incorporating my writing within various illustration works. Collaborated and wrote for various fiction publications. Solo stories followed and now a collection of adult shorts. A new full length novel I'm currently writing will hopefully be available early 2017. At present building an art collection is focus.